Monday, November 9, 2009

1st timE

Had steamboat tonight together with my famiLy..
Then it's time to hang out with friEnds...
wEnt to BPmalL just for KFC.. LoL.. It sounds ridicuLous..
Went to Bukit Soga...
and here the story goes...
1st time in my life kena bLock by poLiceman!!
We went there just for a view of the BP night..
Just as we were about to leave..
the poLiceman came and bLocked us for no reason..
or maybe for some stupid, wiLd guess i think..
Then after blablabla... they let us go.. LOL!!
maybe tonight is just my very lucky day with poLiceman..
on the way back home..
Again seeing another policeman bLocking another car..
LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!