Monday, August 24, 2009

Im forcEd to wAtch!!!

I think im gonna sLim down 2day..

waLk to and fro from my houSe to Square One with that sAmpat Tan KyLie..

Yea.. AgaIn with her.. HahahaaaSsss

Im forcEd to watch 'ORPHAN' aLthough i never dAre to watch scAry movie..

But ive promiSed her.. Bo bien~

FrankLy to say, guys, ' THE PROPOSAL ' is muCh more nicEr... =p


we wEnt to WITCHERY

I think MOLI shouLd give us a tropHy named

' The Most LOYAL cUstomEr '


onLy two of US


Why is tan kyLie sLeepinG beside me????!!??!!
I know it's not funNy xD
We went to Summit today
Yea... Only two of us... hahahass

~so roMantiC~

Spent up aLmost 150 buCks
